Cassandra | The Empowered 30+ Spotlight | Hadonica's Photography

Meet Cassandra!

Women by nature have always been expected to be givers in every role they play. The reason behind our Empowered 30+ campaign is to provide women with the opportunity to step out of those roles and unapologetically be themselves. Cassandra first connected with us with a message saying, “I am excited because I have never celebrated me and it would be nice to celebrate myself for once. Overcoming all that comes with life deserves celebrating.” Inspired by her desire to honor her journey, we wanted to empower her to unleash the beauty of her authentic self. By working together we created a phenomenal and transformative session experience for her and created timeless portraits for her to love for years to come!


One word to describe yourself. Why did you choose this word?


I chose this word, because I have always been self starter. And with being a self starter comes great focus and determination.

Who are you as an individual?

I wear many hats as an individual. I am a powerful woman of God, a Mom, Entrepreneur, Inspirator, Community Advocate and a Creator.

Why do you want to be photographed?

I am always so focused on celebrating other people that I have allowed celebrating myself to become an option. I am no longer an option, I choose me and I deserve to celebrate me!

In your opinion, what are some stigmas and beliefs that women face after they turn 30?

Feeling like you should have accomplished more by this age.

Feeling that your opportunity has passed you by.

Questioning if you are enough.

What advice do you have for other women in their 30s?

It is not too late, you still have time. Take time to celebrate you and all the beauty of you. You were born to be unique and to stand out. There is no such thing as a perfect moment, or a perfect time, take every opportunity to simply breathe and live . You are exactly where you are supposed to be.

What do you currently love about yourself?

After 37 years, I have truly learned to love and embrace every part of me and be exactly who God has created me to be. It took a long time, but I love that I have found me. I absolutely love my smile.

Pictures tell a story. I love the beauty and essence that is capture in each picture. I can feel the passion and love behind each and every picture taken. Hadonica has a way of embracing who people are and allowing their personalities to speak through their portraits.
— Cassandra


Create The Life You Want | Hadonica’s Photography


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